HERC: Integrated Veteran Care Consolidated Data Sets (IVC CDS) Cost Data
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Integrated Veteran Care Consolidated Data Sets (IVC CDS) Cost Data


The VHA Office of Integrated Veteran Care Consolidated Data Sets (IVC CDS) is the primary source for VA community care data. IVC CDS contains referrals, claims, and eventually payment data from Community Care Reimbursement System (CCRS), Electronic Claims Adjudication Management System (eCAMS), Fee Basis Claims System (FBCS), Plexis Claims Manager (PCM), and VistA Fee Basis Package (Fee). Data are available for claims processed on or after October 1, 2018.

On this page, we provide an overview of cost data in CDS, and we present one method for identifying the cost of an inpatient hospital stay using CDS data. Investigations into outpatient cost data are underway.

Learn more:

  • IVC CDS Data Review from VIReC (VA intranet only): https://vaww.virec.research.va.gov/Reports/DR/DR-IVC-CDS.pdf
  • IVC CDS Data Dictionary from VIReC (Available on the VHA Data Portal; VA intranet only): https://vaww.vhadataportal.med.va.gov/Data-Sources/IVC-Consolidated-Data-Sets
  • IVC Consolidated Data Sets on the VHA Data Portal (VA intranet only): https://vaww.vhadataportal.med.va.gov/Data-Sources/IVC-Consolidated-Data-Sets
  • IVC CDS Data Review: Referrals from VIReC (VA intranet only): https://vaww.virec.research.va.gov/Reports/DR/DR-IVC-CDS-Referrals.pdf
  • Finding Hospital Inpatient Stays in CDS from ACCENT
  • Information on Specific Community Care Programs and Policies from ACCENT includes useful information on IVC CDS data including SQL scripts and cyberseminars.
  • A Brief Introduction to a New Community Care Data Source: IVC_CDS (VA intranet only): https://vincicentral.vinci.med.va.gov/Shared%20Documents/Videos/A_Brief_Introduction_to_a_New%20Community_Care_Data_Source-IVC_CDS-092023.mp4

Cost Data Overview

Community care data include claims-level and other information about care submitted for reimbursement by a non-VA facility. All claims will have a header record and associated line detail records. The header record contains the total amount VA paid on the claim while the line records contain payments for specific services.

The granularity you need will depend on your research question, but for most research questions, we recommend using header level data. HERC researchers have found that payments at the header and line levels match in approximately 98% of claims, and the agreement between header and line level claim payments has increased over time. We’ve found that a large portion of the mismatched header and line claim payments are sourced from eCAMS and PCM and suggest that data users look out for claims from eCAMS with $0 payments at the line level, but payments greater than $0 at the header level.

Claims can be submitted using three different forms: institutional, professional, and dental. Institutional claims can be for inpatient or outpatient care and are typically submitted by hospitals and other healthcare organizations. Professional claims can also be for care delivered in an outpatient, inpatient, or other setting and are submitted by physicians and other healthcare providers. The information included in a claim varies depending on the type of claim form.

Many inpatient and outpatient services contain both an institutional component and a professional component, and researchers will need to sum these to calculate the total cost of the service. In addition, researchers interested in inpatient care specifically should be aware that multiple claims may need to be aggregated to capture the total cost of the inpatient stay.

Key Variables for Cost Analyses

Below are key variables for conducting cost analyses using CDS data. A full list of variables is available in the IVC CDS Data Dictionary, available on the VHA Data Portal (VA intranet only: https://vaww.vhadataportal.med.va.gov/Data-Sources/IVC-Consolidated-Data-Sets). 

Variables to Identify the Most Recent Claim Submission*
Original_ClaimID The original number assigned to the first submission of the claim. Original_ClaimID can be used to identify resubmitted claims within a source system.
Source_Key The highest number assigned to the most recent claim within an Original_ClaimID.
Claim_Status_ID Indicates whether a claim was paid.
IsCurrent This flag indicates whether this record is the most current version of the claim.
Note that paid claims are not always the most current version, so we do not recommend restricting to IsCurrent=’Y’.

*Claims may be resubmitted (see Duplicate Claims). Therefore, for many inquiries, researchers will need to identify the most recent submission of a claim.

Cost Variables
Claim_Total_Amount The total amount paid by VA.
CDS contains two other cost variables: Amount_Allowed and Total_Charges. In many (but not all) cases, Amount_Allowed will be equal to Claim_Total_Amount. In cases where the values are not equal, HERC researchers have found that Amount_Allowed does not include adjustments to the final paid amount. We do not recommend using Total_Charges as these reflect charges not payments.
Other Key Variables
We recommend using Service_Start_Date and Service_End_Date from the claim header file to identify an inpatient stay’s window given that admission and discharge date variables are often missing.
Note that the service start date of inpatient professional claims may precede the service start date of institutional claims by 3 days.
Claim_Form_Type This variable will allow you to distinguish between the institutional and professional components of an inpatient stay.
HERC analysts have found some institutional outpatient community care claims from VistA (Fee) appear in CDS as claim_form_type=P; therefore, investigations into outpatient care should use Claim_Form_Type with caution.
Place_of_Service_ID 2-digit code indicating where the service was performed for professional claims.
Bill_Type Code that classifies the type of facility and type of care for institutional claims. Although the code is 4 digits, the first digit (0) is excluded, and we usually ignore the final digit for purposes of identifying type of care.
Billing_Provider_TaxID This variable enables data users to identify the same billing provider across records. It can be used as a facility identifier in cost analyses.
Billing_Provider_NPI and Service_Provider_NPI are other variables that can be used as facility identifiers; however, HERC analysts have found some missingness in both variables. The missingness is not necessarily consistent for duplicate claims across different source systems.
Source system Variable that indicates the claim’s source system (eCAMs, VistA, FBCS, etc). This variable can be used to de-duplicate claims.

Duplicate Claims

Data users may find duplicate claims in the data due to resubmission of claims and claims from multiple source systems. Limiting to records for a unique patient admission where Status_Description in (‘PAID’) and IsCurrent not in (‘R’,’D’) (reversed or deleted) will eliminate many duplicate claims. However, you may still find duplicates after applying these filters. Therefore, in addition to the above filters, data users should look for and remove duplicate claims.

Within inpatient data, one method for removing duplicates within a source system is by using header level Patient_ICN + Original_ClaimID, and between source systems by using header level Patient_ICN  + minimum of Service_Start_Date + maximum of Service_End_date and Bill_Type (institutional records) or Place_of_Service_ID (professional records), for claims with the same Claim_Total_Amount (see the section Identifying the Cost of an Inpatient Hospital Stay“). The maximum and minimum service dates are aggregated across contiguous claims to form inpatient stays and serve as the admit and discharge dates.  (We do not use the Admission_Date and Discharge_Date fields from CDS because of missingness.)

Users should always de-duplicate when the same claim appears in both FBCS and VistA (Fee) source systems; we recommend keeping claims from FBCS since they're generally more complete. Users may also encounter claims that appear to be duplicates originating from other systems or within the same system. We offer suggested solutions within our code to deal with these types of duplicates, but we leave the final decision to de-duplicate these claims to the individual researcher as we’re unable to definitively determine if duplicate sets of claims were actually paid (perhaps erroneously).

The number of duplicate claims are greatest in 2019 data and decrease over the years. While HERC analysts examining line level claims have identified approximately 30% of claims as potential duplicates in FY19, this drops to 5% in FY20, 0.07% in FY21, and <0.01% in FY22 and onwards. The large number of duplicates in FY19 is primarily due to duplication between FBCS and VistA (Fee).  

Learn more about the reasons for duplicate claims in VIReC’s IVC CDS Data Review (VA intranet only: https://vaww.virec.research.va.gov/Reports/DR/DR-IVC-CDS.pdf).

Time to Claim Processing

Data users should allow enough time for all claims to be processed before pulling cost data. IVC recommends allowing at least a 4-month processing time from the last date of service before including claims in a cost analysis. 

Identifying the Total Cost of an Inpatient Stay

In this section, we share an algorithm for identifying the cost of an inpatient hospital stay and sample SQL code. This is only one method for identifying inpatient costs and is meant to serve as a starting point for data users conducting their own evaluations.

This method uses the CDS_Claim_Header file. We use Billing_Provider_TaxID as the facility identifier; therefore, without de-duplicating, this method may lead to overcounting of stays. Data users should de-duplicate to address potential overcounting.

Disclaimer 1: This method applies to inpatient cost data only as analytic decisions made for inpatient care may not be applicable to outpatient care. For example, some VistA (Fee) outpatient institutional claims have been incorrectly categorized as professional claims in CDS.  As of this writing, we recommend de-duplicating outpatient CDS records at the line level. 
Disclaimer 2: These algorithms were developed using a cohort that was not randomly selected. Validation of these algorithms using a larger cohort is underway. We encourage those using this algorithm to check their data after each step for any erroneous or unexpected values.

Steps for Identifying the Total Cost of an Inpatient Stay

  • Allow for sufficient claim processing lead time, e.g., 4 months.

1. Identify the Institutional Component of the Stay

  • Filter header records by Claim_Form_Type = ’I’ (institutional), IsCurrent not in (‘R’,’D’) (reversed or deleted), Bill_Type 11x, 12x, 41x, 42x, 44x*, and Claim_Status_ID = 71 (PAID).
  • Create a new variable: AdmitID. Define AdmitID as unique admission: Patient_ICN + Billing_Provider_TaxID + [Contiguous Service Dates].
  • With unique AdmitID, calculate Service_Start_Date_Min and Service_End_Date_Max (Minimum of Service_Start_Date and Maximum of Service_End_Date).
  • De-duplicate claims with the same Claim_Total_Amount and within the same source system using Patient_ICN + Original_ClaimID.
  • De-duplicate FBCS and VISTA claims with the same Claim_Total_Amount using Patient_ICN + Service_Start_Date_Min + Service_End_Date_Max + Bill_Type
  • With AdmitID, roll-up Claim_Total_Amount by Bill_Type x Source_System.
  • For each AdmitID, sum Bill_Type x Source_System … this is the Institutional Component.

2. Identify the Professional Component of the Stay

  • Within AdmitID, roll-up Claim_Total_Amount by Place_of_Service_ID x Source_System x Service_Start_Date with Claim_Status_ID = 71 (PAID) and IsCurrent not in (‘R’,’D’) (reversed or deleted) and Claim_Form_Type = P (Professional) and Place_of_Service_ID = 21**
  • Link Patient_ICN + Service_Start_Date to the get the AdmitID (SQL join with Patient_ICN + Service_Start_Date_Min + Service_End_Date_Max)
  • De-duplicate claims with the same Claim_Total_Amount and within the same source system using Patient_ICN + Original_ClaimID.
  • De-duplicate FBCS and VISTA claims with the same Claim_Total_Amount using Patient_ICN + Service_Start_Date_Min + Service_End_Date_Max + Place_of_Service_ID
  • Collapse Claim_Total_Amount by AdmitID x Source_System … select the sum as the Professional Component.

3. Calculate Total Costs

  • Match the inpatient component to the professional component using Service_Start_Date_Min + Service_End_Date_Max
  • Sum Claim_Total_Amount for the Institutional Component + Professional Component to calculate Hospital Stay Total Cost.

*The bill types researchers include may vary depending on their research question. A full list of bill type codes is available from ResDAC.

**Researchers may choose to add additional place of service codes such as ambulance or psychiatric residential treatment center depending on their study goals. A full list of place of service codes is available on the CMS website

SQL Code for Identifying the Total Costs of an Inpatient Stay

Sample SQL code for identifying the total costs of an inpatient stay is available within VA's Enterprise GitHub: HERC SOP Cost Inpatient Hospital Stay and included here in Appendix A. The code is based on the steps outlined above. This is only one method and is meant to serve as a starting point for data users conducting their own evaluations.

We encourage VA data users to access the SQL code via GitHub for the most current version. 


HERC would like to acknowledge Erin Beilstein-wedel from Access and Community Care Engagement Network Team (ACCENT) for her contributions and review of the contents of this page.

Appendix A. SQL Code: Total Costs of an Inpatient Stay


USE []
-- ==========================================================================================
-- Program: HERC-sop-cost-inpatient-hospital-stay.sql
-- Description: Calculate cost of inpatient hospital stay
-- Project: HERC SOP
-- Authors: Vilija Joyce, Adam Chow, Sharon Dally, Juliette Hong, Samantha Illarmo
-- Description: Identify cost of inpatient hospital stay from community care files (CDS) 
-- Create date: 20240510
-- Modified:
-- ==========================================================================================
/*Create temporary cohort table*/
/*Cohort table should include Patient_ICN, Window_Start_Date, Window_End_Date*/
/*Pull cohort's CDS claims that fall within window start and end dates*/
drop table if exists #ipcost1;
select l.patient_icn
,concat(l.patient_icn,'_',r1.billing_provider_taxid) as admitid
into #ipcost1
from #cohort l
left outer join [vhacdwa06.vha.med.va.gov].[cdwwork].[ivc_cds].[cds_claim_header] r1 
on (l.patient_icn=r1.patient_icn
and ((r1.service_start_date
and (r1.service_end_date>=l.window_start_date)));
select top 100 * from #ipcost1 order by admitid, service_start_date, service_end_date; 
--Pull inpatient-related institutional records of interest using claim_form_type, bill_type, claim_status_id, and iscurrent
drop table if exists #ipcost1i;
select * into #ipcost1i from #ipcost1 where (claim_form_type in ('I') and ((bill_type like '1[12]%') or (bill_type like '4[124]%')) and claim_status_id in ('71') and iscurrent not in ('R','D')) order by admitid, service_start_date, service_end_date; 
select top 100 * from #ipcost1i order by admitid, service_start_date, service_end_date; 
--Pull inpatient-related professional records of interest using claim_form_type, place_of_service_id, claim_status_id, and iscurrent
drop table if exists #ipcost1p;
select * into #ipcost1p from #ipcost1 where (claim_form_type in ('P') and place_of_service_id in ('21') and claim_status_id in ('71') and iscurrent not in ('R','D')) order by admitid, service_start_date, service_end_date; 
select top 100 * from #ipcost1p order by admitid, service_start_date, service_end_date; 
/*Identify minimum start date and maximum end date for each admitid w/ contiguous service dates*/
drop table if exists #ipcost2i;
select t.admitid 
,min(t.service_start_date) as min_service_start_date
,max(t.service_end_date) as max_service_end_date
into #ipcost2i
from (select t.*
,sum(case when prev_service_end_date >= dateadd(day, -1, t.service_start_date) then 0 else 1 end) over (partition by t.admitid order by t.service_start_date) as grp from (select t.*, lag(t.service_end_date) over (partition by t.admitid order by t.service_start_date) as prev_service_end_date
from #ipcost1i t 
) t 
) t 
group by t.admitid, t.grp;
select top 100 * from #ipcost2i order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date; 
--Merge back
drop table if exists #ipcost3i;
select l.min_service_start_date
into #ipcost3i
from #ipcost2i l 
left outer join #ipcost1i r 
on l.admitid=r.admitid and r.service_end_date>=l.min_service_start_date and r.service_start_date<=l.max_service_end_date;
select top 100 * from #ipcost3i order by admitid, service_start_date, service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system;
/*Identify and resolve possible duplicates within source system. If multiple rows have same original_claimid then, calculate min, mean, max, and sum of claim_total_amount. Researcher can decide which value to use moving forward. For now, we use max_cta.
drop table if exists #ipcost3i_;
select patient_icn, original_claimid, min(claim_total_amount) as min_cta, avg(claim_total_amount) as avg_cta, max(claim_total_amount) as max_cta, sum(claim_total_amount) as sum_cta
into #ipcost3i_
from #ipcost3i
group by patient_icn, original_claimid;
select top 100 * from #ipcost3i_ order by patient_icn;
--Merge back and collapse
drop table if exists #ipcost3i__;
select distinct l.min_service_start_date, l.max_service_end_date, l.patient_icn, l.window_start_date, l.window_end_date, l.admitid, l.service_start_date, l.service_end_date, l.admission_date, l.admission_hour, l.discharge_date, l.discharge_hour, l.original_claimid, l.claimid, l.claimsid, l.source_system, l.source_key, l.iscurrent, l.claim_form_type, l.claim_status_id, l.place_of_service_id, l.bill_type, l.referral_number, l.station_number, l.primary_icd, l.admitting_icd, l.amount_allowed, l.total_charges, r.max_cta as claim_total_amount, l.received_date, l.paid_date, l.newborn_flag, l.billing_provider_npi, l.service_provider_npi, l.billing_provider_taxid
into #ipcost3i__
from #ipcost3i l 
left outer join #ipcost3i_ r 
on l.patient_icn=r.patient_icn and l.original_claimid=r.original_claimid;
select top 100 * from #ipcost3i__ order by patient_icn;
/*De-duplicate across source systems. Dedupe if rows have same 
- min_service_start_date
- max_service_end_date
- bill_type (first 2 characters)
- claim_total_amount
- Flag records that indicate FBCS followed by VISTA 
- Flag records that indicate VISTA followed by VISTA
- Modify code below if you'd like to dedupe by other combinations of source systems, e.g. FBCS and eCams
--Flag records
drop table if exists #ipcost4i;
select *
--, case when lag(original_claimid) over (partition by admitid, original_claimid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, original_claimid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = original_claimid then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_ocsid_match
, case when lag(min_service_start_date) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = min_service_start_date then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_mssd_match
, case when lag(max_service_end_date) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = max_service_end_date then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_msed_match
, case when lag(substring(bill_type, 1, 2)) over (partition by admitid,  min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = substring(bill_type, 1, 2) then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_bt_match
, case when lag(source_system) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = 'FBCS' and source_system='VISTA' then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_ss_fbcs_vista
, case when lag(source_system) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = 'VISTA' and source_system='VISTA' then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_ss_vista_vista
, case when lag(claim_total_amount) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = claim_total_amount then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_cta_match
into #ipcost4i
from #ipcost3i__ 
select top 100 * from #ipcost4i; 
--De-duplicate by keeping only those records w/ flags (0,0,0,0,0,0) or (1,1,1,0,0,1) aka drop dupe VISTA records
drop table if exists #ipcost5i;
select *
into #ipcost5i 
from #ipcost4i
where ((flag_prev_mssd_match = 0 and flag_prev_msed_match = 0 and flag_prev_bt_match = 0 and flag_prev_ss_fbcs_vista = 0 and flag_prev_ss_vista_vista = 0 and flag_prev_cta_match = 0)
or (flag_prev_mssd_match = 1 and flag_prev_msed_match = 1 and flag_prev_bt_match = 1 and flag_prev_ss_fbcs_vista = 0 and flag_prev_ss_vista_vista = 0 and flag_prev_cta_match = 1))
select top 100 * from #ipcost5i; 
/*Roll up*/
drop table if exists #ipcost6i;
select patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, bill_type, source_system, sum(claim_total_amount) as claim_total_amount
into #ipcost6i
from #ipcost5i
group by patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, source_system, bill_type;
select top 100 * from #ipcost6i order by admitid;
/*Professional records*/
--Pull admitid, min_service_start_date, and max_service_end_date from institutional file
drop table if exists #ipcost7i;
select patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date into #ipcost7i from #ipcost6i;
--Merge in professional records
--Search for professional records within inpatient stay window w/ -3 day buffer
drop table if exists #ipcost2p;
select  dateadd(day, -3, l.min_service_start_date) as min_service_start_date_3
into #ipcost2p
from #ipcost7i l 
left join #ipcost1p r 
on l.patient_icn=r.patient_icn and r.service_end_date>=dateadd(day, -3, l.min_service_start_date) and r.service_start_date<=l.max_service_end_date 
where r.patient_icn is not null;
select top 100 * from #ipcost2p order by patient_icn, service_start_date, service_end_date; 
--Append professional records from patients that did not have an inpatient stay to merge with 
drop table if exists #ipcost2p2;
select *
into #ipcost2p2
from #ipcost1p
where patient_icn not in (select patient_icn from #ipcost2p);
select top 100 * from #ipcost2p2 order by patient_icn; 
drop table if exists #ipcost2p3;
select patient_icn, admitid, original_claimid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, place_of_service_id, source_system, claim_total_amount 
into #ipcost2p3
from #ipcost2p
union all
select patient_icn, admitid, original_claimid, service_start_date as min_service_start_date, service_end_date as max_service_end_date, place_of_service_id, source_system, claim_total_amount 
from #ipcost2p2;
select top 100 * from #ipcost2p3 order by patient_icn, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system; 
/*Identify and resolve possible duplicates within source system. If multiple rows have same
- original_claimid
then, calculate min, mean, max, and sum of claim_total_amount.
Researcher can decide which value to use moving forward. For now, we use max_cta.
drop table if exists #ipcost2p3_;
select patient_icn, original_claimid, min(claim_total_amount) as min_cta, avg(claim_total_amount) as avg_cta, max(claim_total_amount) as max_cta, sum(claim_total_amount) as sum_cta
into #ipcost2p3_
from #ipcost2p3
group by patient_icn, original_claimid;
select top 100 * from #ipcost2p3_ order by patient_icn;
--Merge back and collapse
drop table if exists #ipcost2p3__;
select distinct l.min_service_start_date, l.max_service_end_date, l.patient_icn, l.admitid,  l.original_claimid, l.source_system, l.place_of_service_id,  r.max_cta as claim_total_amount
into #ipcost2p3__
from #ipcost2p3 l 
left outer join #ipcost2p3_ r 
on l.patient_icn=r.patient_icn and l.original_claimid=r.original_claimid;
select top 100 * from #ipcost2p3__ order by patient_icn;
/*De-duplicate across source system. Dedupe if rows have same 
- min_service_start_date
- max_service_end_date
- place_of_service_id 
- claim_total_amount
- Flag records that indicate FBCS followed by VISTA
- Flag records that indicate VISTA followed by VISTA
- Modify code below if you'd like to dedupe by other combinations of source systems, e.g. FBCS and eCAMS
drop table if exists #ipcost3p;
select *
, case when lag(min_service_start_date) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = min_service_start_date then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_mssd_match
, case when lag(max_service_end_date) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = max_service_end_date then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_msed_match
, case when lag(place_of_service_id) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = place_of_service_id then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_pos_match
, case when lag(source_system) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = 'FBCS' and source_system='VISTA' then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_ss_fbcs_vista
, case when lag(source_system) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = 'VISTA' and source_system='VISTA' then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_ss_vista_vista
, case when lag(claim_total_amount) over (partition by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount order by admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, claim_total_amount, source_system) = claim_total_amount then 1 else 0 end as flag_prev_cta_match
into #ipcost3p
from #ipcost2p3 
select top 100 * from #ipcost3p; 
--De-duplicate by keeping only those records w/ flags (0,0,0,0,0,0) or (1,1,1,0,0,1) aka drop dupe VISTA records
drop table if exists #ipcost4p;
select *
into #ipcost4p 
from #ipcost3p
where ((flag_prev_mssd_match = 0 and flag_prev_msed_match = 0 and flag_prev_pos_match = 0 and flag_prev_ss_fbcs_vista = 0 and flag_prev_ss_vista_vista = 0 and flag_prev_cta_match = 0) or 
(flag_prev_mssd_match = 1 and flag_prev_msed_match = 1 and flag_prev_pos_match = 1 and flag_prev_ss_fbcs_vista = 0 and flag_prev_ss_vista_vista = 0 and flag_prev_cta_match = 1))
select top 100 * from #ipcost4p; 
/*Roll up*/
drop table if exists #ipcost5p;
select patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, place_of_service_id, source_system, sum(claim_total_amount) as claim_total_amount
into #ipcost5p
from #ipcost4p
group by patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, source_system, place_of_service_id;
select top 100 * from #ipcost5p;
/*Stack institutional and professional claims*/
drop table if exists #ipcost1ip;
select patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, bill_type, '' as place_of_service_id, source_system, claim_total_amount
into #ipcost1ip
from #ipcost6i
select patient_icn, admitid, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, '' as bill_type, place_of_service_id, source_system, claim_total_amount
from #ipcost5p;
select top 100 * from #ipcost1ip order by patient_icn, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, bill_type, place_of_service_id, source_system, claim_total_amount; 
/*Calculate inpatient total cost (sum institutional + professional fees per min_service_start_date and max_service_end_date)*/
drop table if exists #ipcost2ip;
select patient_icn, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date, sum(claim_total_amount) as inpatient_claim_total_amount
into #ipcost2ip
from #ipcost1ip
group by patient_icn, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date;
select top 100 * from #ipcost2ip order by patient_icn, min_service_start_date, max_service_end_date; 

Last updated: July 18, 2024