HERC: Love Plot in Stata
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Love Plot in Stata


Below is a code to generate Love plots in Stata. This code was created by Rebecca Raciborski, PhD, a health economist at the Center for Mental Healthcare & Outcomes Research, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System.*

Love plots graphically display the pre and post effects of propensity scores. Learn about propensity scores and the application of Love Plots in Todd Wagner's cyberseminar on Propensity Scores

version 17
webuse cattaneo2, clear
quietly {
teffects ipw (bweight) (mbsmoke mmarried mage prenatal1 fbaby c.mage#(c.mage i.mmarried prenatal1))
tebalance summarize
mat diff = r(table)[1...,1..2]
mat colnames diff = before after
*list description of covariates in PS model IN ORDER specified
label def covariates 1 "Mother married" 2 "Mother's age" 3 "Prenatal care" 4 "First baby" 5 "Mother's age^2" 6 "Mother's age X married" 7 "Mother's age X prenatal care"
svmat diff, names(col)
sum before, meanonly
local ll = min(-0.1,r(min))
local ul = max(0.1,r(max))
tempvar c 
gen `c' = _n if !missing(before)
label val `c' covariates
graph dot before after, over(`c', label(labsize(small)) axis(noline)) yscale(range(`ll' `ul')) yline(0, lcolor(gs5)) ylabel(, labsize(small) ) yline(-0.1, lcolor(gs5) lpattern(dash)) yline(0.1, lcolor(gs5) lpattern(dash)) ytitle("Standardized Mean Difference", margin(top_bottom)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(lcolor(gs5)) legend(subtitle("Matching") order(1 "Before" 2 "After") region(ls(none))) title("Exposure: Maternal smoking", span color(gs0) margin(bottom)) 
*linetype(line) lines(lwidth(none)) uncomment to hide dots
drop before after

*Minor modifications to run on VINCI and within interactive Stata by Vilija Joyce.